
LP rocker 

The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference offers a certificate and an End-to-End "rocker" to anyone who hikes the entire length of the Long Path. Hikers have the option of using the traditional Orange County route or the more scenic Shawangunk Ridge route. The trip can be completed in one continuous trip or in a number of hikes over many years. As of December 2019, there are 178 Long Path End-to-Enders. The certificate is free to members of the Trail Conference, but there is a $5.00 handling charge for non-members. Please make checks out to New York-New Jersey Trail Conference.

Since the Long Path is continually expanding, the requirements for completing the trail are constantly changing. For more information reach out to us here.

Click here to see the list of Long Path End-to-Enders.

Click here for the current End-to-End Tally Sheet.