Invasives Strike Force Crew - Invasives Removal CANCELLED

Do you enjoy birds, butterflies, and wildflowers? Would you like to help protect them? Come help us remove an invasive plant from along the Bronx River.

Two volunters pulling mile-a-minute in the forest


This event has been cancelled. The plants aren't up yet!  Keep watch for more upcoming invasives removal events.

Join the Trail Conference's Invasives Strike Force as we remove incised fumewort, an invasive plant, from along the Bronx River in the town of Bronxville, NY. Anyone can participate. No experience is necessary; we provide on-the-job training. You will need to bring leather work gloves, plenty of water and a lunch you can eat on the trails. We provide the tools.

Exact meeting place and more details will be provided upon sign-up.

Please sign-up in advance so that we know how many people are coming and can let you know of any changes of plans.

April 19th, 2018 from  9:30 AM to  2:00 PM
Bronx River Parkway Reservation
Bronxville, NY 10708
United States
Additional worktrip information
Crew/Group Invasives Strike Force Crew
Leader Linda Rohleder
Project Invasives Removal
For more information, contact... Linda at [email protected] or 201-512-9348 x821
Minimum Age to Attend